Saturday 20 April 2013

Siri Data Stored In Apple’s Database For Upto 2 Years Ⓐ

Now that I prefer Google Now to Siri, I guess I’m the kind who prefers someone to be rather direct, than resort to using flowery language. Having said that, I’m also someone who enjoys having company, so Siri is a decent option to fall back upon at the close of day just before dozing off (wow, I sure sound like the forever alone guy :P). But then, thanks to a statement made by Apple executives to Wired, I’m now having serious doubts.
My affair with Siri began with the iPad 2 and  even though I felt bad cheating on Google Now, I never had any regrets. UNTIL RECENTLY..

Ever wonder what Siri does with user queries after they’re made? Now, thanks to Wired, we know. Apple tells the publication that it retains user data processed by the personal assistant for up to two years, in an anonymized state. All your queries, commands and trash talk (oh admit it! You all do it) that you have been showering on Siri,  are stored on Apple servers for up to two years, Wired can now report.
According to Apple’s Muller, the company takes steps to ensure that the data is anonymized and only collects the Siri voice clips in order to improve Siri itself. “Our customers’ privacy is very important to us,” she says.
Here’s what happens. Whenever you speak into Apple’s voice activated personal digital assistant, it ships it off to Apple’s data farm for analysis. Apple generates a random numbers to represent the user and it associates the voice files with that number. This number — not your Apple user ID or email address — represents you as far as Siri’s back-end voice analysis system is concerned.
Once the voice recording is six months old, Apple “disassociates” your user number from the clip, deleting the number from the voice file. But it keeps these disassociated files for up to 18 more months for testing and product improvement purposes.
Now even though I am not as shocked as I was when I started reading the news in anticipation of a total loss of my privacy, the news still creeps me out, knowing there are people who are hearing me. Whether they know who I am or NOT.
Google Now, I’ve paid the price for being disloyal. Never again, Never Again.

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